By the look on this kid’s face, this is either the most fun or most painful toy on the market, which makes sense because it’s a kid’s version of Russian Roulette.
Buy Guns here.
Poking Box
The object of this toy is to stick your finger in the box and poke the animated characters that appear on the screen, almost like a molestable Tamagachi.
More about Tamagachi toys.
Roadkill Cat
Don’t bother telling your little one the cat was sent to “go live on a farm.” Just throw them this toy and they’ll figure it out on their own. Perhaps they’ll enjoy it as much as the little boy on the front?
MOre about Puppet toys.
Mugen Peri Peri
This little toy is designed to mimic the sound and feeling of opening a package…only it has nothing inside. It should make for HOURS of fun!
More about Crazy Fun toys.
5 Second Timer
The object of this toy stopwatch is to see how accurately you can stop on exactly 5 seconds. The reward is intrinsic and the frustration endless!
More about Crazy fun toys.
God Jesus Robot
God sometimes takes too long to answer prayers, so when you need an answer right away, try God Jesus Robot! Made by Bandai in the 1980’s, this robot holding a cross was designed to answer questions, similar to a Magic 8-Ball.
More about Magic 8 Balls.
Toy Register
The toy that teaches your kids the eight food groups: toys, corn, butter, beer, music, steaks, cakes and apples!
Buy Toy Register.
Pee & Poo Dolls
These are supposed to aid in toilet training, but the sad look on the excrements’ faces lead us to believe they just aid in psychological damage.
Read more about your Pee and boo.
Lokuloku Pig Toy
This awesomely weird toy lets you squish a pig into jelly. We’re not sure if it returns to its former shape or not, but either way you get to watch it melt.
Read about toys to reduce tension and stress.
Bandai Micro Toys
You put these little guys in your bottled water to make it more…fun. Nothing like seeing a long-legged creature in your drink to encourage laughs!
More of Bandai Micro Toys.
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