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Sunday, October 10, 2010

Using Weather Ballon Father and son capture amazing video footage... using an iPhone and HD camera

It looks like satellite footage taken by a state-of-the-art NASA camera with a telescopic lens.

But this remarkable video was in fact filmed by an innovative father-and-son team equipped with just an iPhone and a high-definition video camera.

Luke Geissbuhler, 40, and his seven-year-old son Max, designed a 'craft' made from a takeaway box attached to a weather balloon and sent it, and the two electronic devices, into space.
Following months of research and testing, the amateur science enthusiasts launched their innovative weather balloon in Newburgh, New York, in August.

During a 102-minute flight it managed to reach an altitude of 19 miles above the ground in the upper stratosphere before the balloon burst and parachuted the craft back down to earth.

Mr Geissbuhler tracked the module, which was caught in a tree, by using the GPS system set up on the iPhone and spotted its flashing LED light.

The cinematographer and director said he got the idea for the project because he is always looking for fun ideas to share with his son.


Amateur footage: During a 102-minute flight, a weather balloon craft assembled by a father-and-son team managed to reach an altitude of 100,000ft

Humble beginnings: The main body of the craft was made from a takeaway food box
Back to basics: Amazingly, Luke Geissbuhler, 40, and his seven-year-old son Max equipped the craft with just an iPhone and a high-definition video camera


He said: 'Max and I work on all sorts of fun projects together. I've always been one to tinker.

'But even after months of research and testing - we only had a 30 per cent chance it would work. We got very lucky.'

When the pair managed to regain the footage from the flight - which lasted about 70 minutes and reached more than 100,000ft - they were worried whether the device had captured any images.

Mr Geissbuhler said: 'When we watched the first footage, we thought if we just see black we are going to freak.

'We were totally out of our minds when we saw the footage. It was more than we were even hoping for.'

The mobile phone and camera, which are typical items in homes across the world, survived 100mph winds, temperatures of -60C and a descent speed of 150mph.

A seven-minute film chronicling the endeavour was uploaded to, where it has created a stir among web bloggers.

Despite a fairly simple concept and equipment, the experiment turned out to be complicated.

Mr Geissbuhler said: 'We really had to do our homework with this. It appears to be simple, that's how I initially decided to do it.

'But as it became more serious, it turned into more high-tech science.

'It can be dangerous and you really have to plan where it will land.

'We don't want people to just go out and try it without taking the right precautions so we put together a book that tells the story about how we did it and includes instructions.

'People can reserve the book through the web site.'
Steady: Due to foam collars built into the takeaway box base, the craft does not spin as it rapidly ascends
3,000ft: Two minutes into the flight and the craft is on the verge of disappearing into clouds, where it remains for ten minutes
Descent: The craft finally stops climbing, leading to only a brief moment of weightlessness before the parachute is deployed and it begins to fall back down to Earth
Blue skies: The craft emerges from the clouds at 20,000ft
Still rising at 17mph, an electronic rhythm is audible on the video soundtrack while the phone tries to transmit a GPS coordinate

3,000ft: Two minutes into the flight and the craft is on the verge of disappearing into clouds, where it remains for ten minutes
Lift off! The craft heads for the heavens watched by Max Geissbuhler (right) and a friend
Launch pad: Mr Geissbuhler and a friend send the weather balloon craft on its way
Humble beginnings: The main body of the craft was made from a takeaway food box
Park life: Following months of research and testing, the Geissbuhlers launched their innovative weather balloon in Newburgh, New York

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