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Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Russian secret super flying fortress during to the world world 2.

In 1930s Russian army was … by the idea of creating huge planes. At that times they were proposed to have as much propellers as possible to help carrying those huge flying fortresses into the air, jet propulsion has not been implemented at those times yet.

Not much photos were saved since that times, because of the high secrecy levels of such projects and because a lot of time passed already. Still on the photo below you can see one of such planes - a heavy bomber K-7.

Now modern history lovers in Russia try to reconstruct according the plans left in once to be top-secret Russian army archives their look in full color. This is one example based on ideas of Russian aviation engineers of that times.

But i guess , it just a dream and will not success when if they build it. Reasons because it will be too slow and in the enemy lines , they will be almost defendless against dog fight. So only defence is they fly high. Big cannons? Are they going to shot ground targets? with those big guns , the recoil will tear the fulage apart. Somemore , i don think it is maeavuarability is weak , those winds will not able to support hard right or left. Properly fly straigh line.



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